You ever feel like you are the only single person among your friends? Are you feeling like all your feeds on Facebook or Twitter is all about ‘me and my boo out’, ‘me and hubby a work out’ or ‘he’s the one’….and you’re sitting there like… kmt cha! Ok then….

Don’t worry. Don’t depress yourself. Someone’s out there for you!

Today there are so many new dating trends. So many new opportunities for you to meet someone whether you love to go out, party, or not. Why not ‘throw caution to the wind’ and sign up for online dating?

I recommend Match.com or Caribbeancupid.com these dating sites allow you to carefully screen and choose who you may be interested in. However, I do recommend that after you get to know this person online, you set a date, bring a friend to meet the person and once comfortable…mingle!

For more tips on successful online dating: http://www.oprah.com/relationships/Tips-for-Successful-Online-Dating

According to a new report about online dating and relationships, by the  Pew Internet and American Life project, where Americans were evaluated: 

  • 1 in 10 persons have turned to online dating via Web or mobile app
  • 66%  have moved on to dating in person
  • 23% entered into long-term relationships and yes, successful marriages. 

So… guess what?  Other people are dating online too!


 Facebook and Twitter are also popular social platforms that you can meet and mingle with other singles. Don’t consider yourself desperate if you turn to online dating. In this technological day, you don’t need to hang out at a bar or the beach to meet someone. You can meet your ‘tick right at your own comfort level-your bedroom! 
“Yuh tick deh a bush…go find ‘im or ‘har.”

*kmt (kiss my teeth)
 Written by: Tash-Shawna Doeman
 Edited by: Sheavon Taylor & Evadne Brown

Cyaan buy puss inna bag!” This is a common Jamaican proverb that is normally used among Jamaican men, and these days, heard also among the female population as well. To say “cyaan buy pus inna bag,”  simply means that one cannot get married without first sampling sex with the potential wife/husband to ensure sexual compatibility.

Most Jamaican men fear buying the “puss inna bag” as he fears that at the end of the extensive dating, courting, the “I do’s” then the “now you may kiss the brides” and the looooooooong awaiting honey moon, a hidden catastrophe may slap him right across the face ‘seh him have cold fish inna bed’ meaning there is no vibes in the bedroom. Therefore, he “cyaan buy pus inna bag”. Jamaican men dread this outcome-though a small majority may wait amidst the uncertainty. But, did you know that according to Priorities For Today Magazine , sex after marriage reduces the likelihood of divorce? 


Is sex the key to love, or is love the key to sex? Even if after finding out that there is ‘sexual compatibility’, would this then be a guarantee to eternal marital bliss? Additionally, in Priorities For Today Magazine a statistical analysis of participants showed that couples who wait to have sex …enjoy significantly more benefits in the relationship than those who had sex earlier. The article also stated that men and women who chose to wait before having sex showed the following in their relationships:

·         22% higher in stability

·         20 % higher in sexual satisfaction

·         15% better in quality of the relationship

·         12% higher in communication

Those who parade the opinion or dread the fear of buying “puss inna bag” and pushes to unveil the “puss” at the shopping counter you may get ‘blouse an’ skirt’ scratch… Meooow!

                                                                                                                     Written by: Evadne Brown
                                                                                                                     Edited by: Sheavon Taylor & Tash-Shawna Doeman

Welcome to "Man 'N' Woman Sin'ting", the first in its series of real Jamaican blogging about real dating and relationship issues, trends and customs of the Jamaican culture. It promises to be an exciting journey, as we take you through a mirage of colourful drama with the aim of bringing about to a higher degree, sensitization about dating etiquette, in an effort to improve your relationship situations.